Are you overwhelmed with clutter?
Do you have a difficult time finding what you need in your house?
I believe the most important step to an organized life is to simplify and discard items that no longer serve you or make you feel good about yourself. Let me help you declutter and bring order and calm to your space. Then we can set up systems and implement tools to help you maintain an organized home.



Initial On-Site Consultation

The initial consultation takes about 60 minutes. During this time, we will tour your place, identify problem areas, and discuss your ideas and goals for each space and schedule the first session. The consultation fee will credited towards your simplifying and organizing sessions. ($75) 

In Person Sessions

During in person sessions, we will work 0ne-on-one to discover what you actually own, decide what stays and what goes, and determine the perfect home for each item. These decluttering and organizing sessions include free removal of donations (limited to one carload/session) and time spent purchasing required supplies.  ($75/hour)


  • Whole Home Organizing

  • Partial Home Organizing

  • Disaster Preparedness Binder & Lists

  • Paper Management

  • Digital Organizing (Computer, Photos, Email)

  • Classrooms 

  • Meal Planning

  • Document Scanning and Organizing